The Smart OS Wheelchart

Strategic Marketing & Audience Thinking AKA The SMART OS : An operating system that defines the way your company works with a defined objective to provide clear roles & responsibilities (and alignment) for internal Marketing stakeholders and external partners, thus saving time, resource, increasing customer impact and ultimately saving costs.  A smarter operating system tailor-made for your team to align to get to the next level – or the “champions league” level as we fondly refer to it.
The SMART OS creates genuine collaboration as your now one marketing team – starts to evolve around fundamentals: Customer Obsessed, Data Driven, Being Smarter & People at their Best. It’s an operating system that brings together the right expertise at the right stages, strengthening the co-operation and common thinking between internal stakeholders and the external eco-system.

Fulcrum Nexus, Fulcrum Lucrum, and Fulcrum Commercium.

Fancy names for an approach that is brutally commonsensical. Reconstructing the world of commerce and marketing communications in one logical whole. The Fulcrum model is a model that ensures that online and offline marketing communications gets in full sync with the new reality of digitally transformed customer expectations and the far quicker (agile) turnarounds needed to address them.
Fulcrum injects critical brand and commercial thinking in all product and service design. Equally important, it also helps to elevate marketing communications when journeys need to come together and the organisation needs to put out a message to a broad audience.

The Fulcrum model puts brand lead thinking in the co-drivers seat of a Customer Experience Centric way of working. Achieving:

  • The customer and value creation
    at the heart of the process
  • End of excess spending
  • Longer term commercial success
  • Staff job satisfaction
  • Made for an agile way of working


The (Silly) Acronym to
end all Acronyms…

Developing a Customer Experience that unites Technology, Behaviour and Communications: organised around the customers’ needs efficiently and effectively.

Being SPIDS Compliant, means to create…

  • A single hymn sheet and reference for product development, service design and communications alike.
  • An organising principle for design sprints in autonomous teams.
  • The customer journey expressed in simple requirements.
  • A KPI framework to give better insight into the levers that drive marketing ROI and NPS.
  • A Marketing Air Traffic Control® system to balance penetration, sales activation and brand fame.
  • A Brand Operating System® to unite all internal and external constituents in the field of marketing and sales.